This disclaimer is available in simplified Chinese, Japanese, and English versions. The translations are for reference only. In the event of any discrepancies, the simplified Chinese version shall prevail.
- 音视频内容: 本网站不直接存储任何音视频文件。所有视频内容均为引用自第三方在线播放平台(如YouTube、Niconico等),相关版权归属于原视频上传者及播放平台。本站通过合法途径引用并播放音频内容,音频数据来源于网易云音乐平台,版权亦归网易云音乐或相应权利人所有。
- 原创内容: 本网站的所有文章和VLOG视频内容均为原创,版权归本网站所有者「白熊阿丸」所有。未经本站明确授权,严禁转载。若已获得授权转载,必须明确标注原作者及链接至原始发布网页。
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Welcome to our website. Please read the following disclaimer carefully before you start using the website. Your continued access and use of the site will be deemed as your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Copyright Information and Content Usage Guidelines
- Audiovisual Content: This website does not store any audiovisual files directly. All video content is sourced from third-party streaming platforms (such as YouTube, Niconico, etc.), and the copyrights belong to the original video uploaders and the platforms themselves. This site legally references and plays audio content from the NetEase Cloud Music platform, with copyrights belonging to NetEase Cloud Music or the respective rights holders.
- Original Content: All articles and VLOG video content on this website are original and copyrighted by the owner of the website, "BearAmaru". Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited. Authorized reproductions must clearly attribute the original author and link back to the original publication page.
- Image Content: The non-original images used on this site are sourced from public channels and are considered suitable for non-commercial use. While the site strives for lawful use of images, it cannot fully guarantee that all images do not infringe on third-party copyrights. If you believe that an image used on this site infringes your rights, please contact us for resolution.
Nature of the Website
- Personal Management: This website is created and maintained by an individual and includes but is not limited to personal image hosting, blogs, and homepages, primarily sharing personal opinions, experiences, and interests, and does not represent any other organizations or institutions.
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- The content of this website is based on personal knowledge and experience, and may contain inaccuracies or outdated information. Visitors should evaluate the reliability of the content on their own and seek professional advice when necessary.
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The content of this disclaimer may be updated or modified periodically. Please make sure you understand and accept the most recent terms of this disclaimer before using the site. If you do not agree with the terms of this disclaimer, please cease using the site immediately.